Thursday, January 27, 2005

Guns & Terrorism in the U.S.
by Jennifer Freeman

International terrorists who have experienced a measured degree of success in Spain, Germany, and France, are in for a rude awakening when it comes to the United States.

Unlike many European countries, whose culture and people are on the brink of extinction as a result of passive intellectualism, Americans are more than willing to stand up to terrorists in order to preserve our individualism and our liberties. We are a nation born of rebels who have fought and won wars not only to preserve our own liberties, but to preserve the liberties of other nations as well. One might even argue that, for some Americans, such a battle invigorates the spirit.

And while terrorists continue to attack private, non-military citizens around the globe, the United States is made up of private, non-military citizens who are legally armed and able to defend themselves and others in the immediate area. And while terrorists may be made up of students, businessmen, and women, armed Americans come from every walk of life. You never know who, in our society, is alert and able to take action at a moment's notice. It could be a banker, a florist, a ballerina, a football player, a soccer mom, drama coach, businessperson, gas station attendant, bus driver, airline pilot, hairstylist, or radio talk show host. Americans, armed or unarmed, will not stand down in the face of terrorism. And we will not instruct our military to stand down, either.

Sophisticated Europeans may turn up their collective noses in disgust at the barbaric Americans. But it is the Americans who will lead the charge that will likely save the day for Europe. Again.

There are some who do not fully understand how firearm ownership could possibly protect us against mustard gas, bombs, or suitcase nukes. After all, it's not like anyone is going to shoot a bomb or a virus. An alert citizen, on the other hand, could neutralize a terrorist prior to his committing the act.

We know that homicide bombers strap bombs to their bodies prior to setting them off. If an armed citizen were to neutralize a homicide bomber prior to an attack, many lives could be saved. Potential homicide bombers may reconsider such an action if the only death involved in the attack would be their own. Certainly, if anyone on the airplanes of September 11th had been armed, thousands of lives could have been saved.

There is another, indirect, benefit to firearm ownership, however. That benefit is the self-defense mindset. Armed or unarmed, Americans have a culture of intolerance when it comes to anyone who would try to infringe upon our liberties. Even the pacifists, who choose not to fight back with weapons, will use their voice to decry any injustice upon our people. Of course, the pacifists reap the benefits of an armed citizenry as well.

So, to the terrorists who think they can impose their way of life on Americans through violence and fear - Let's Roll.

Jennifer Freeman is Executive Director and co-founder of Liberty Belles, a grass-roots organization dedicated to restoring and preserving the Second Amendment.

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